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Saturday 8 July 2017

Girl texts her Boyfriend.....
GIRL: Sweetheart...? Am down and
need some money to fix my hair.
BOY : No problem sweety.
(he sends her some cash).
[The girl went missing for a couple of
weeks, no calls, no texts and when he
tried to call her....
"user busy, not available, can not be
Few weeks later she texts him
GIRL : Baby....? missed you but not
ok, am down and I need some money
for my outfits.
BOY : Ok sweety am there for you.
(He again sent her some money).
[the girl went missing again, this time
for full month].
A month later she came back again,
this time she made a phone call.....
GIRL : Honey I Really missed, how is
you I just called to let you know it's
my birthday and i need some money
for the shopping.
BOY : Hey whatsapp, you only appear
when you need money from me,
Do you really love me or you are just
taking advantage of Love.
GIRL : Baby i love you so much how can
you talk that way, don't you trust

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